Request to use the expanded water trigger for Tamboran Resources’ NT gas projects

February 29, 2024 8:26 AM

Dear Ms Plibersek,

Request to use the expanded water trigger for Tamboran Resources’ NT gas projects

Nurrdalinji Native Title Aboriginal Corporation represents native title holders from the Beetaloo
Basin who seek to self-determine what happens on country and protect it for future generations.

We note our letter to you dated 2 February 2024 which urges you to recognise Aboriginal
cultural heritage in the revised Water Trigger Significant Impact Guidelines as a result of
expanding the water trigger to shale gas.

We are now writing to invite you to do everything you can do to protect our precious and sacred
water resources from fracking, by exercising your powers under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Full letter here.