Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation works to protect country, water and sacred sites. Watch this video to find out more.

Nurrdalinji Native Title Aboriginal Corporation was formed to assert our right to make decisions about what happens on our country.  

“Nurrdalinji” is an Alawa word meaning “mixed tribe”.  Our members come from a big area, across the Beetaloo and Barkly regions.
We were incorporated in 2020 and our members include over 60 native title holders, from 11 native title determination areas, throughout the Beetaloo Basin

We support members to be consulted about what happens on country and enable them to be heard so we can better determine future aspirations for our country.


The Federal government is paying big gas companies millions
to explore for gas on our land.

We are concerned that fracking will damage our country, water, sacred sites and songlines which are passed down for us to look after. 

We want gas companies to properly consult with us about their fracking plans and for us to have the final say on whether they go ahead.

“Gas mining is highly dangerous. It will destroy country and poison water and we will all suffer. Water is life, and it's so significant—to land, culture, songlines.

“If our country is fracked, where are we going to take our grandchildren out on country to teach them, the way my grandfather taught me?

"We want to keep our culture and country strong. This has been a long, long battle and we will continue to fight to stop it.”

Chair of Nurrdalinji, Djingili Elder Samuel Janama Sandy