IESC Report: Beetaloo Traditional Owners dismayed at Minister Plibersek’s failure to pull water trigger for full assessment of water risks from fracking
Today the Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek reveals she will not apply the “water trigger” to properly scrutinise the impacts on water of fracking development in the Beetaloo Basin (NT News here). Independent Expert Scientific Committee advice here.
Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation, which represents native title holders from the Beetaloo Basin region and has made several submissions to the Federal Minister, the NT Government and the Northern Land Council calling for the water trigger to be applied to fracking projects, today expressed deep concern that projects will not be subject to full assessment for their impact on water in their region.
Traditional Owners welcome legal challenge to protect water from fracking, say Federal Minister must assess all Beetaloo projects
WHAT: Response to news that Lock the Gate Alliance has launched the first legal challenge to fracking under the water trigger in Australia’s national environment laws. Lock the Gate Alliance is seeking an injunction from the Federal Court to prevent Tamboran’s Shenandoah project going ahead until the Federal Government assesses the impacts of the project on water under national environment laws.
Traditional Owners condemn NT Govt OK for Empire’s fracking without their consent
New NT ‘One Stop Shop’ Big Developer laws: Beetaloo Basin Traditional Owners comment
WHAT: Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation, which represents native title holders from the NT’s Beetaloo Basin who wish to protect country, comments on new Territory laws proposed by the CLP, designed to side-step environmental and other laws which apply to fracking (“Major projects could be exempted from NT laws, and Minister ‘step in’ powers under future Territory Controller” NT News today).
Senate Inquiry Final Report Middle Arm: Beetaloo Basin Traditional Owners comment
NT govt and Empire Beetaloo fracking deal wrong: Traditional Owners comment
Traditional Owners condemn NT Govt approval of Tamboran’s fracking plans
Call on Plibersek to scrutinise Tamboran’s water impacts using ‘water trigger’