Greens Safeguard Deal: Beetaloo Basin Traditional Owners comment on fracking implications

Commenting on today’s announcement of amendments agreed between the Federal government and Australian Greens to the Safeguards Mechanism Bill, Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin region have expressed their hope that this will help them to protect their country from the dangerous impacts of fracking.

Read more March 27, 2023 1:48 PM

FOI: Secret Morrison Govt Report reveals NT fracking offers limited benefits for Aboriginal people

A secret report, commissioned by the Morrison government but never released, concludes that Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin in the NT are unlikely to make economic, social, cultural or other gains from fracking plans for the region, explaining that “conditions are currently not conducive to strong agreements being negotiated,” contradicting claims by the gas industry that jobs and economic benefits will flow to communities (ABC AM program today).

Read more March 21, 2023 9:21 AM

MR: Fyles’ new Beetaloo Fracking Bill allows full scale fracking without Traditional Owner consultation

Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin are alarmed about new laws, introduced by the NT government and due to be pushed through by the end of the year, which will allow fracking companies to mine and sell gas at a large scale for up to 15 years at the exploration stage, in what amounts to production by stealth and which sidesteps the usual requirements to consult and secure consent agreements with native title holders for full-scale industrial development on their country (ABC today: Traditional owners slam NT government’s 'disgraceful' plan to allow fracked gas to be sold before full approvals are granted).


Read more November 30, 2022 8:39 AM

MR: NT govt charges fracking companies for water: Beetaloo Traditional Owners comment

Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation, which represents Traditional Owners from across the Beetaloo Basin, comments on the NT government’s plans to consult about a water charging framework so that fracking companies may start to pay for water by 2023. See page 27 of the Draft Territory Water Plan.

Read more October 14, 2022 1:24 PM

Media Release: Federal Court decision on Santos’ Tiwi Islander consultation: Beetaloo Traditional Owners comment

With today’s Federal Court decision spotlighting Santos’ poor consultation with Tiwi people about its Barossa offshore gas project, Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin say the judgment should act as a warning bell for all fracking companies seeking to consult with them in the hope of securing exploration and production agreements in their region.

Read more September 21, 2022 5:07 PM

MR: Origin divests from Beetaloo: Traditional Owners vow to continue the fight to protect country

Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin have pledged to continue their opposition to fracking development on their land regardless of who buys Origin Energy’s assets in the Beetaloo Basin.

Read more September 19, 2022 12:43 PM

MR: High risk of water damage from Tamboran fracking approval, say Beetaloo Traditional Owners and pastoralists

The first fracking approval made by the new NT Minister for Environment, allowing Tamboran Resources to drill and frack on Tanumbirini cattle station, puts precious water and sacred waterways at risk, says Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation which represents Traditional Owners across the Beetaloo Basin and one of Australia’s biggest landowners, Rallen Australia.

Read more August 12, 2022 6:23 PM

Media Release: Traditional Owners’ anger at works across sacred waterway by Sweetpea Petroleum on Tanumbirini Cattle Station

Traditional Owners of the country on Tanumbirini Station where Tamboran Resources' subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum, is currently conducting fracking activities have expressed anger at news that yesterday the company crossed Newcastle Creek, protected under the NT Sacred Sites Act, and went through two large stands of bullwaddy, to clear the seismic lines.

Read more June 28, 2022 3:32 PM

Media Release: Tamboran locks Tanumbirini Station gate on Station Owners and Traditional Custodians seeking to inspect sacred sites at risk of fracking destruction

Gas company Tamboran Resources has today locked a gate on Tanumbirini Station on the day it plans to begin seismic activities, blocking entry to station owners and Traditional Custodians from the Beetaloo Basin who were there to inspect the sacred site area of Newcastle Creek which is protected under the NT Sacred Sites Act because of fear of damage from these new works.

Read more June 24, 2022 7:09 AM

Media Release: NT Traditional Owners impacted by Santos gas projects demand Darwin Festival drops Santos sponsorship

As Darwin Festival reveals its 2022 program, a delegation of NT Traditional Owners from Larrakia, Tiwi Islands and Beetaloo Basin impacted by Santos gas projects are launching a campaign to see Darwin Festival, the NT’s premiere arts and cultural institution, abandon promotional partnerships with fossil fuel companies, including major sponsor Santos.

Read more June 16, 2022 11:43 AM