Empire Energy latest fracking breach: Traditional Owners comment NT govt should stop work to investigate and Minister Plibersek pull the ‘water trigger’

January 14, 2025 6:34 PM

WHAT: Empire’s subsidiary, Imperial Oil and Gas, has reported another significant compliance breach, pumping 2,000 litres of saline water and fracking flowback fluid from the lid of a holding tank for drilling of the Carpentaria 5 well pad into nearby vegetation, which became ‘stressed’. NT government media release here.

This event was on top of a string of other breaches over four years from drilling and testing four wells in the Beetaloo Basin. Past incidents include a leak in a wastewater storage tank, clearing and construction of well pads and gravel pits in unauthorised locations, land clearing including in Gouldian finch habitat, over-extraction of groundwater and problems managing wastewater during big rains. Empire also failed to report a significant archeological find and artefacts were subsequently moved. Empire recently obtained approval for 9 new wells as part of its “Carpentaria Pilot Project”. Referenced summary of past incidents available here.

WHO: Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation represents native title holders from the Beetaloo Basin  who wish to protect country. It made a submission opposing Empire’s latest Environmental Management Plan, noting concerns about inadequate consultation and risks to country and water, particularly Relief Creek which lies close to proposed fracking wells and connects to a significant sacred site.

Nurrdalinji Director Cain O’Keefe, who lives in Borroloola with his young family, speaks from the Karranjini group and has been employed by Empire to survey land for cultural significance and work at the Carpentaria site during the drilling of Carp 5, said:

“Empire promised us that they wouldn’t spill contaminated water. They are breaking another protocol. This needs to be dealt with straight away.

“There should be no more work until this is investigated. Empire needs to be charged and pay up for what they did. 

“When the wet season comes, it's only going to get worse and the contamination could be a danger to Relief Creek, which carries water right across the country.”

Chair of Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation, Samuel Janama Sandy said:

“Spills of contaminated fluids damage our ecosystem, plants and animals.  If our water is poisoned, all Territorians will suffer. Minister Plibersek should pull the water trigger so her scientists look closely at the risks to water from fracking projects.

“Gas companies say they can manage the operations, but they’re cowboys. Empire has already broken the rules and done damage. Now they’re doing it again. They should pack their bags and go home.”

Photos: Spokespeople Samuel Janama Sandy and Cain O’Keefe.